Pet Care Tips

The Cutest Cat Breeds

The Cutest Cat Breeds

Every kitty is adorable, but have you ever wondered which are the absolute fluffy, cutest cat breeds? There is some stiff competition from cats trying to claw their way up to number one! Our Edgewater vets share a list of cute cat breeds to consider if you are looking for a new four-legged friend. 

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Why It's Important to Vaccinate Your Indoor Cat

Why It's Important to Vaccinate Your Indoor Cat

Our Edgewater vets understand that it can be tempting to skip vaccinations for indoor cats, but even if your kitty isn't allowed outside there are some good reasons to keep your cat's shots up to date.

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Rabies in Cats

Rabies in Cats

Rabies is a deadly virus that is very contagious for pets including cats. Today, our Edgewater vets discuss the impact the rabies virus can have on cats including how common it is, the symptoms, and how it is prevented.

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Puppy’s First Vet Visit: Checklist & What to Expect

Puppy’s First Vet Visit: Checklist & What to Expect

If you're a new puppy parent, our Edgewater veterinarians will guide you through everything you need to know for a successful first vet visit. Get ready with a comprehensive puppy first vet visit checklist.

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Dental X-Rays for Dogs

Dental X-Rays for Dogs

Dental X-Rays are an important part of every dog's routine health care. Today, our Edgewater vets discuss why dental X-rays are important, what they can reveal, and how often you should schedule them.

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Microchips for Dogs

Microchips for Dogs

Microchipping your dog can greatly increase the chances that they are reunited with you if they get lost. Today, our Edgewater vet team shares more about the benefits of microchipping.

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Why is my dog restless and panting so much at night?

Why is my dog restless and panting so much at night?

Although panting during a warm day or while playing fetch is normal for dogs, excessive panting at night can be cause for concern. Besides causing sleepless nights for you and your dog, nighttime panting can be an indication that something is amiss. Today, our Edgewater vets discuss signs, treatments, and when to go to the vet.

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Why does my cat's breath smell bad?

Why does my cat's breath smell bad?

As most cat parents know, our feline friends enjoy getting up close and personal. This is especially true first thing in the morning, and there's nothing quite like waking up to stinky cat breath. Most of the time this condition can be linked to dental concerns but that is not always the case. Our Edgewater vets talk about some of the reasons your cat may have bad breath and what you can do to help treat this smelly condition.

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Understanding Blood Tests for Dogs

Understanding Blood Tests for Dogs

Our Edgewater vets understand that it can be challenging to understand why your pet needs blood testing, and what those results mean. Today, we explain the results of the dog's blood tests.

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Ultrasounds for Dogs & Cats

Ultrasounds for Dogs & Cats

You've just found out that your dog or cat needs an ultrasound. So, what exactly is an ultrasound and how can it help your pet? Our Edgewater vets explain how ultrasound scans are performed and what they are used for. 

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